
SSX share the latest learning and thoughts to help you build a successful eCommerce site

Email Marketing, Level-Up Darren Coleshill Email Marketing, Level-Up Darren Coleshill

Importing Contacts

We import lots of data for clients, and this could be from moving CRM systems, updating contact lists or new signups. It would be easy to click the upload button in the chosen system, but without adequately analysing this data, you could run into all sorts of issues.

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Facebook, Instagram, Level-Up, Social Media, Twitter Darren Coleshill Facebook, Instagram, Level-Up, Social Media, Twitter Darren Coleshill

It’s time to look at your social media scheduling

Social media is essential for businesses these days: it doesn't matter what sector you're in; potential customers will be searching for you on different platforms. And it's not just a case of writing the post and pressing send; you need to plan when it goes out to catch as many eyes as possible.

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Small Business, eCommerce Darren Coleshill Small Business, eCommerce Darren Coleshill

How We’re Different…

Here at SSX Creative, we like to think we’re a little different; we pride ourselves on stepping out from the mould and guiding you on everything. Potential clients must understand that we don’t just build you a web store and hand it over to you. We’re not looking to sign a contract to make something for you and leave the rest up to you. 

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