With the festive season right around the corner, it's time to prepare for Black Friday. Making sure your website and social media is ready will be vital to making the most of this busy period. 

This post will steer you in the right direction. 

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is the last Friday of November, the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States and is now a global shopping event. 

It's also when many businesses roll out numerous deals and discounts on products.

Black Friday Marketing Ideas

  1. Include social media commerce.

    Social media has become a place where potential customers learn about products and look to buy too. Social media commerce is expected to earn over $55 billion by 2023, so using that now will be essential. 

    You'll need to connect your online store with Facebook and Instagram to do this. This will allow you to tag products in posts, which means people can click and order immediately. 

  2. Email marketing.

    You probably have an email list of potential or previous customers, now is the time to use that list. A week before your Black Friday event, sending a preview email alerts people to keep a lookout. You could also offer these people an early offer; it makes people feel important and might drive urgency. 

    As offers begin sending another email with a few examples of offers will draw people in and make them visit your site with the hope they'll make a purchase or two. 

  3. Optimise your website.

    Customers won't want to wait around for a slow website to load. Can you speed up your images to load? Making the site heavy with HD images and videos will slow it down, and potential sales will be lost. 

    Optimising your site also comes down to making your products look good, having a clear description and ensuring your stock levels are correct. Look at your checkout process. Is it easy to follow and clear how they pay and when they are likely to get their order? 

  4. Create a sense of urgency.

    You'll convert more customers if you can create a sense of urgency. A countdown on social media or your site to let people know this price is only valid for a few hours. 

    Using this urgency with your email marketing will help get the message across. Look at the language you use, "last chance" and "today only"; this will improve conversions. 

Black Friday Marketing Tips

There are several methods to get the most from your Black Friday marketing. 

  • Make sure you're organised and have a clear idea of your plan.

  • Make sure your website is ready for the potential extra traffic.

  • Use social media and email marketing to inform your customers and respond to comments.


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