SSX share the latest learning and thoughts to help you build a successful eCommerce site
Black Friday Marketing
With the festive season right around the corner, it's time to prepare for Black Friday. Making sure your website and social media is ready will be vital to making the most of this busy period.
How Covid-19 Has Affecting Our Shopping Habits
Over the past 12 months, we’ve all had to change our shopping habits, from going to the local supermarket to booking delivery slots, from popping into the High Street to ordering online. But what will happen once the lockdown ends and more restrictions are lifted?
UK Retail in 2020
There has never been a year for retail like 2020 for many reasons, businesses closing, people losing their jobs, and the way we all shop changing. So what does UK Retail in 2020 look like?
10 Ways to Improve an eCommerce Store
The final few months of the year are the busiest time for e-commerce stores, to give you a little help I've listed here 10 Ways to Improve an eCommerce Store.
Welcome to the eCommerce & Retail Newsletter
I've just launched a new eCommerce & Retail Newsletter, keep up to date with news from the UK.
Are you ready for Black Friday?
One of the busiest periods of eCommerce is approaching, Q4 is one of the most important for any retailer and especially with the way that 2020 has been. As this begins my question is Are you ready for Black Friday?
eBay Managed Payments
eBay is a massive platform, everyone around the World has heard of it and for any independent retail outlet it really should be part of your e-commerce strategy.
What to expect when shops reopen
During June it has been announced that non-essential shops will be able to reopen, some light relief for business owners around England.