Welcome to the eCommerce & Retail Newsletter

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I've just launched a new eCommerce & Retail Newsletter, keep up to date with news from the UK.

For quite a while I've been wanting to put together a weekly newsletter to share the latest news around eCommerce and retail developments. I did consider making it a monthly one but developments and changes to eCommerce are happening so quickly that it made more sense to aim for a weekly publication.

eCommerce is my passion, I love helping independent businesses get online and taking orders. With the way that 2020 has been this has never been more important and going forward people's shopping habits will have definitely changed. It could take a lot of effort from customers to return to their High Street. This doesn't mean that businesses first reaction should be to close, this will just take some clever thinking and of course, this isn't true for everyone.

If you're sitting here reading this and haven't got yourself on social media, you haven't got a website then stop reading and get them set up now!

The social media accounts will take minutes to sign up, you should at least have a domain name registered, and then it's a case of picking which e-commerce builder you wish to use, I'll write a post at some point with my suggestions. For a quick solution, I'd really recommend getting your stock listed on eBay. So many people use it and you should see sales really quickly, much quicker than your own site.

Before I end up going down a rabbit hole of talking about selling online, I have written a post that will explain it all and various different things to consider.


The weekly newsletter will have the latest news from the eCommerce & Retail world, from new payment companies, what the big brands are doing and hopefully lots of things that will help your business. It will mainly be UK based news but often things that happen elsewhere end up affecting us too.

The first newsletter was posted last week which you can read here -> Your eCommerce & Retail News #1

Thank you if you've subscribed and I hope you find it useful.


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