Safeguarding your Facebook page

Facebook has become a vital tool for businesses, from updating existing customers to advertising for new ones and now for social shopping. But you could lose your page if you don't abide by Facebook's rules!

We've heard many stories of businesses losing their accounts and having no way of getting them back. These tips will help you avoid this and protect your business. 

1. You need to turn on two-factor authentication. 

2FA will alert you to new devices that try to log in to your account.  

2. Do not use a fake Facebook profile. 

Facebook is strict with this. It is always taking down fake accounts, and if you have a fake account that is the owner of a page or group, then Facebook will take that down, too - often without the possibility of recovering it. 

3. Have more than one admin. 

This is vital for Facebook pages. Have at least two admins, the owner, CEO, or MD, even if they don't have any input and one other. This means that if someone leaves your company, you still have access. So many times, we've heard, "oh, they left, and we have no access to the page anymore". 

4. Insert your DOB, not when the company started. 

When Facebook asks for the date of birth, it means of the page owner, not the age of the business. Putting the wrong date could cause you to lose the account, especially if you put the age of a minor. 

5. Don't close your personal FB profile. 

If you close your personal profile, you risk losing the business page too. You could lose everything if you are the only owner or admin of that page. See point 3 about having multiple admins. 

6. DON'T OPEN links. 

99% of DMs and emails claiming to be from social media platforms are scams, so don't click them. This is a surefire way of getting your account hacked, and it isn't easy to regain control after that. 

"Facebook is still the most dominant social media platform, and you'd not want to risk losing it. Have a process in place, so everyone knows who has control, and when a person leaves a business, make sure you remove their access and replace them with a new admin."

If you need help setting up your Facebook page or need help managing it, then please get in touch.


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