Look in detail at your email sends

How often do you put together a newsletter and schedule it for the same people simultaneously? It's all too easy, but is that the most productive way to do it? It's time to look deeper at your email results and data.

It doesn't matter what system you use to send your emails; they will all provide a level of data for you to look at. Have a look a little deeper at those results. Are people actually opening the email, or are they just deleting it?

Now, this might come down to the time you're sending it. Our data tells us that somewhere around 7 am works for our contacts for our emails. They might be eating breakfast or on their commute, and this is the time when people are usually on their phones.

Depending on the system you use, you should be able to see if people are receiving the email but not opening it; if they've consistently done this over the previous five emails, it might be worth removing them from future sends or sending a personalised email politely asking if they're still interested.

There is no point sending to a contact who never interacts.

Ensuring that your email database is up to date allows you to keep a high level of open rates and that the content you're putting out there is relevant and well-received. This not only applies to your newsletters but also to any automated emails you may have set up. Is the information you're sending still up to date?"

If you’d like help with your email sends or any other forms of digital marketing, then please get in touch.


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