1/3 of people are doing 76% or more of their shopping online

Our shopping habits have changed, there were already changing but the pandemic has fast-tracked this. With the rise of next day delivery, easy returns and the ability to shop as and when you like online shopping has become a convenience in our lives. We thought we’d run a poll on Twitter to find out a little about people’s current shopping trends: online vs in-store.

The Results

Going by the results it seems to be very much an all or nothing situation. Of course, this isn’t an in-depth survey but it is interesting that still 1/3 of people are doing 76% or more of their shopping online which is huge. We thought people would be around the 26-50% group but this was the smallest percentage. What does this all mean? Well if you’re a smaller business and don’t want to miss out on sales then you definitely need an online store, you need to be getting your products in front of people.

Here are the full results.

How to take advantage

Looking at this from a small business point of view there are things that you can do to try and take advantage of this. First things first if you haven’t got an online store then why not? This really is a must for any retailer in 2022, it opens up the possibility of finding customers from anywhere in the world.

If you have your store all built and active then this is just the beginning, making sure your stock is up to date so you don’t let customers down, making sure your photos are the best they can be. Is your product description giving the right information that would convince someone to purchase it?

Once you’ve got these things in place it’s key to look at things that may be causing barriers, are you offering different ways to pay? Is a Buy Now Pay Later option something you could offer? And then deliveries and returns, from an independent store most customers don’t expect the item next day but they do expect it within a couple of days and also how easy is it to return an item? Knowing they can return and it’s easy to do so helps build confidence so make sure it’s clear before they click to buy.

Having a website is also important when it comes to social commerce and this is an area you’ll really want to explore.

All of this might sound like hard work but the rewards are worth it, at SSX Creative we can help you with all aspects of setting up your eCommerce store from initial design to full management, if you’d like to find out more please fill in this form and we’ll get in touch with you.


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