SSX share the latest learning and thoughts to help you build a successful eCommerce site
Welcome to the eCommerce & Retail Newsletter
I've just launched a new eCommerce & Retail Newsletter, keep up to date with news from the UK.
Are you ready for Black Friday?
One of the busiest periods of eCommerce is approaching, Q4 is one of the most important for any retailer and especially with the way that 2020 has been. As this begins my question is Are you ready for Black Friday?
Hiring a Social Media Manager - What to Expect
Hiring a Social Media Manager can seem like a big step to some companies, this is especially true if you're new to social media or are unsure what value they can add to your business.
Starting to sell online
If you have a brick and mortar shop it has never been more important to also have a selling platform, it’s a big step but worth the time and effort.This is a basic guide to starting to sell online.
Are you using Canva? Why Not?
If you mention Photoshop to someone their initial response is often 'Oh that's too complex for me'. Which if you're not used to it it can be true. My question to them is Are you using Canva? Why not?.
eBay Managed Payments
eBay is a massive platform, everyone around the World has heard of it and for any independent retail outlet it really should be part of your e-commerce strategy.
What to expect when shops reopen
During June it has been announced that non-essential shops will be able to reopen, some light relief for business owners around England.
70 Ideas for Social Media Posts
This is one of the first questions I get asked when working with someone on their strategy. What should I post on social media? I'll run out of ideas!
Finding Instagram Hashtags
For many businesses, creators and most other people on Instagram the aim is to get more people to view your photo. The photo might be promoting something you're selling or a service you provide.
Using Facebook Advertising for your Business
To really get the most out of Facebook as a business unless you have great content that is likely to get shared lots then you'll no doubt be looking at using Facebook advertising or 'Boost Post'.
Which File Format?
Do you know what type of file format you should be saving in for the web? What type of file do you need to create a transparent background?
Introducing SSX Creative
Hi I’m Darren
Having worked for a number of different companies to run, manage and design their websites and social media platforms over the past 10 years I like to think I’ve learned a few things along the way.