70 Ideas for Social Media Posts

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What should I post on social media?

This is one of the first questions I get asked when working with someone on their strategy. What should I post on social media? I'll run out of ideas! That is where the 70 Ideas for Social Media Posts idea came from, a way to give you something easy to work with.

With any of these it's important to try and link it back to your business and audience. Something that a client wouldn't expect isn't always the best approach, don't give them a reason to unfollow you.

Can you find a quote that you like and also fits with your industry?

Post to try and keep your name in their mind for all the right reasons, be prepared to respond to the comments you might receive. A quote, video or story might bring up a memory for them and it's important to react in a personal way, this is the chance to build a relationship.

Make sure each of the posts has an image to draw them in or even better a video clip. Having a post of just text will mean they get lost easily. A caption, an image and one of these ideas and you've got a good start. Mix these in with a couple of your own ideas and you've got content for the next 3 months.

70 Ideas for Social Media Posts

  • Let people know how you started

  • Go Behind the scenes

  • Share a personal story

  • Tell people what you sell

  • Share a joke

  • Share a quote

  • Host a q & a

  • Post a how to

  • Ask a question

  • Host a poll

  • Share your favourite book

  • Ask for recommendations

  • Host a giveaway

  • Tell people to sign up to your newsletter

  • Give away a coupon

  • Host a sale

  • Remind people to buy a product/service

  • Share a quick tip

  • Share industry news

  • Go live

  • Post a sneak peek of something coming soon

  • Share a blog post

  • Share any press or pr you've had

  • Post a review/testimonial from a client

  • Money-saving tip

  • Re-share some old content

  • Host a 1 day sale

  • Share content from someone else

  • Host a takeover of your social

  • Post a case study

  • Answer faqs

  • Share some personal wins

  • Host an interview with a guest

  • Post something seasonal

  • Thank your fans

  • Post motivational Monday

  • Post a Tuesday tip

  • Post a Wednesday wisdom

  • Post a throwback Thursday

  • Before and after

  • Share a short video clip

  • Share a podcast you like

  • Share a youtube video you like

  • Post some interesting facts about your industry

  • Share your favourite resources

  • Share a win or success

  • Share a loss or failure

  • Share your morning routine

  • Post about events your attending

  • Share customers photos

  • Share an unknown feature about your product or service

  • Explore your local area

  • Show someone using your product

  • Post a discount

  • Tell people how you started

  • Share what inspired you to start

  • Shoutout other brands/companies

  • Shoutout or mention your clients

  • Share a success story

  • Share a few of your favourite things

  • Post a fill in the blank

  • Talk about mistakes people are making

  • Share a tweet you like

  • Share a Pinterest you like

  • Share your other social profiles

  • Share your contact info

  • Post about a trip you've taken

  • Share a charity you've partnered with

  • Post something from your bucket list

  • Ask your audience how they found you


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