Support Local Business

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In under 2 weeks it is hoped that local businesses will be allowed to open. This includes non-essential retail, hairdressers, and pubs, restaurants can serve food and drink outside. This is hopefully the start of High Streets recovering and small businesses getting back on their feet.

What lockdown restrictions are lifted on 12th April?

The restrictions that are due to be lifted in England from 12th April should include:

  • All non-essential shops to reopen.

  • Being able to return to the gym along with all other indoor leisure such as swimming pools.

  • Outdoor attractions such as zoos, farms, theme parks will be allowed to reopen.

  • Hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons can resume their business.

  • Libraries and community centres can reopen their doors.

  • Restaurants and pubs with outdoor eating facilities can serve food and drink again.

  • Domestic overnight stays and self-catering UK holidays will be allowed.

  • Funerals will be allowed 30 guests.

  • Weddings can happen with 15 guests.

Support Local Business

Now is the time that local businesses need your custom, from the homewares shops, to the clothes stores, gifts, even the gyms and pubs. Also the hairdressers that have been shut for so long, all of these places need support for their staff. If you don’t require anything from them right now then how about sharing one of their posts on social media, a like or comment.

There are many ways to support local businesses.


How Covid-19 Has Affecting Our Shopping Habits


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