Alexander Philips - Case Study

Alexander Case.png

Social Media Management


Alexander Philips approached me to start and manage their Facebook page and Instagram profile.

Client: Alexander Philips

Project Date: May 2020 - Present


The Brief


With Alexander Philips, the brief was to manage their Facebook page. They did start one but it hadn’t been updated for 5 years and was in major need of some TLC.

We would also create an Instagram account for them and manage that too. Building both profiles to help enhance the Alexander Philips name in the local area.

Key Achievements

• Begin building a strong audience

• Start showing off the new properties

• Give guidance on Facebook advertising

The Results 

We’ve grown the profiles and increased the consistency of posting, using a mixture of selling posts and news articles. The photos used have followed the companies colour scheme so it looks good and well planned.

The Future 

The aim is to continue with this approach as well as look to publish more homes that are available or have been recently sold. Also, explore the prospect of adding a ‘News’ section to their site to give more content to post on social media.


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